The Importance of “Feelings” for Your Company
Are you excited? This is actually a serious question. Why? Because when you are on the right track for your business’ you will likely get a feeling that is upbeat and motivating. And this is critical to your continued commitment to keep moving forward.
The Importance of Promotion
Those who live in the Bronx are going to be one of the core groups you are going to want to have as a part of the membership for your organization, business or even as an advocate. But how do you actually begin to be able to network with your future audience members and ensure their participation? You need to put on the hat of being the promoter.
Next Level Can Be In-Person or Virtual
COVID reminded us that we can network even if we are not able to attend the actual event in-person. And specifically in the Bronx there are many organizations that could be helpful. Please realize that the group we are about to name as an example, is third party and in no way are we a part of.
Networking with Others like You
The organization we are speaking of is known as “Bronx Chamber.” One possibility is to joining a membership organization such as this one. With this comes the option to interact with others like you who have something like you to promote. The pros and cons are first pros. The pros are that if you are side by side with other businesses if another series of negative incidents occur as they did prior, you will have others to commiserate with. The cons though is that to network with others you may have to pay to join the group. Be sure to look if there is a cost and how much, then weigh out value versus price.
And if You are Very Ambitious…
The next tactic we are going to mention is for very motivated individuals only. Why? Because it is a lot of work and does not always turn out well because many people and opinions will be coming forth. On the other hand it could be worth the effort. Plus, if you are a leader in your community you can get a lot done and get the gratitude of other folks. And if you help others they may in turn want to put some effort into what you are primarily building visibility for with a community around your brand.
Where are We Going with This?
We are talking about YOU starting YOUR own version of a CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Like we said this could be a lot of toil for nothing. How would you go about this? It has to do with contacting others businesses and letting them know you are starting a network of local Bronx businesses.
Taking Calculated Risks
Needless to say, it is not necessarily advantageous to bring into your organization those who are your industry competitors. But if you do get a list of compatible businesses, this could prove wonderful since you will be able to partnership with them and do promotions involving both of your products and services which go together well. You could become another Bronx star!